Lawrence J. Mullen

Associate Professor of Communication Studies

Hank Greenspun School of Journalism & Media Studies

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

4505 Maryland Parkway

Box 455007

Las Vegas, NV  89145-5007

Office: (702)895-4491




Ph.D. in Communication Studies, 1992 at The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.

Dissertation Title: The president's visual image from 1945 to 1974: An exploratory analysis of the pattern of pictorial variables over time. DA 54, 2, 357-A (9318478).

M.A. in Communication Arts and Theatre, 1987 at The University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

B.A. in Broadcasting, minor in English, 1982 at Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY.

Areas of Teaching and Research Expertise: Mass Media Processes and Effects, Political Communication, Visual Communication, Television Production, and Quantitative Methods.


Associate Professor of Communication Studies at The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, July 2000-Present. Courses include Mass Media Effects, Television Production, Survey of Communication Studies, Communication Theory, Communication Research Methods, Mass Media and Political Communication, Visual Communication, and Visual Literacy. Advise internships and independent studies.

Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, August 1994-June 2000. Courses included Mass Media Effects, Television and the Presidency, Broadcasting, Television Production, Communication Research Methods, Mass Media and Society, and Visual Communication, and Visual Literacy. Advise internships and independent studies.

Assistant Professor at Augustana College, September 1992-July 1994. Taught courses in Broadcasting, Television Production, Public Relations, Organizational Communication, Communication Research, and Introduction to Communications. Advised undergraduates, internships, independent studies.

Teaching Assistant at The University of Iowa, 1987-1992. Taught courses and discussion sections in American Broadcasting, Mass Media and Mass Society, Advertising; Coordinator and instructor for the Introduction to Broadcasting and Film course, Television Production I, and Advanced Television Production.

Teaching Assistant at The University of Maryland, 1985-1987. Taught courses in Speech Communication and Television Production.



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Research Consultant for Coalition for a Safe and Drug-Free Nevada (a member of The Partnership for a Drug Free America), December, 2001-June, 2002. Advisor for a survey to determine community opinions and perceptions.

Political Communication Research Consultant for The Washington Post (working with reporter Dan Morgan), February, 2000. Coordinated research on political campaign spending in the Las Vegas market.

Research Consultant, Rowland, Jasa, & Dahl, Litigation Consultants, Overland Park, Kansas, February-March, 1996. Coordinated a content analysis study of two city's newspapers for a case involving Jerry Tarkanian v. The NCAA.


Mullen, L.J. (2003). Visual images of community: Implications for communication research. Communication Yearbook 28. Forthcoming.

Mullen, L.J., & Fisher, J.D. (2002). A visual analysis of prescription drug advertising imagery: Elaborating Foss's rhetorical techniques. Accepted for publication in Communication Studies.

Larson, G.W., & Mullen, L.J. (2003). Letters to America: Dialectical epistolarity in post-9/11 advertising. Iowa Journal of Communication, 35(1), 1-17. Nominated for the Central States Communication Association States' Advisory Manuscript Award.

Mullen, L.J., & Mazzocco, D.W. (2000). Coaches, drama, and technology: Mediation of Super Bowl broadcasts from 1969 to 1997. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 17(3), 347-363.

Mullen, L.J. (1999). Television news and perceptions of contentiousness: An exploratory study of visual and verbal content in news about the president. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 43(2), 159-174.

Mullen, L.J. (1999). African American portrayals in comic books. Popular Culture Review, 10(1), 97-110.

Mullen, L.J. (1998). Close-ups of the President: Photojournalistic distance from 1945 to 1974. Visual Communication Quarterly, 5 (2), 4-6, 10.

Mullen, L.J. (1997). The president's visual image from 1945 to 1974: An analysis of spatial configuration in news magazine photographs. Presidential Studies Quarterly, 27(4), 819-834.

Rothenbuhler, E.W., Mullen, L.J., DeLaurell, R., & Ryu, C.R. (1996). Communication, community attachment and involvement. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 73(2), 445-466.

Pfau, M., Mullen, L.J., Diedrich, T., & Garrow, K., (1995). The influence of television viewing on public perceptions of physicians, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 39(4), 441-458.

Pfau, M., Mullen, L.J., Diedrich, T., & Garrow, K., (1995). Television viewing and public perceptions of attorneys, Human communication research, 21(3), 307-330.

Mullen, L.J. (1994). An overview of political content analyses of magazines. Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de Communication, 4, 2-4.


Mullen, L.J. (2002). Master's degree, Communication Studies, 2002-2004, Hank Greenspun School of Communication. Unpublished handbook. University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Mullen, L.J. (1998). The local media: Their use and impact on opinions of UNLV. Unpublished report for the President's Planning Initiative Project. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Mullen L.J. (1998). Deborah Norville. In M.Murray, (Ed.), p. 177, The Encyclopedia of Television News. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press.

Mullen L.J. (1998). Reagan on television. In M.Murray, (Ed.), p. 207, The Encyclopedia of Television News. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press. The Encyclopedia of Television News.

Mullen, L.J. (1997). Transformations in the press/political/public relationship: Presidential campaigning and political imagery. Journal of Communication, 47(2), 144-151.

DeLaurell, R., & Mullen L.J. (1997). The concept of audience in radio & audio production textbooks. Feedback, 38(1), 12-15.

Mullen, L.J., & DeLaurell, R. (1996). The audience in television production: A review of 20 current college textbooks. Feedback, 37(3), 18-21.

Mullen, L. J., (1995). An overview of political content analyses of magazines. In, D. Abrahamson, (Ed.), pp. 37-47, The American Magazine: Research Perspectives and Prospects. Iowa: Iowa State University Press.

Mullen, L.J. (1991). Defining the audience: College television production and social cognition. Feedback, 32(3):25-26.

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Mullen, L.J., & Larson, G.W. (2003). Communication and Transportation: An Analysis of Full- Page Ads in The New York Times after 9-11. Presented at the National Communication Association convention in Miami Beach, FL, November 19-23.

Mullen, L.J. (2003). Teaching visual communication. Presented at the National Communication Association convention in Miami Beach, FL, November 19-23. Note: I organized this panel which will be one of the premier "Reaching In/Reaching Out" programs (the convention theme) at the convention.

Mullen, L.J. (2003). Sister Bede Sullivan: Pioneer of visual literacy. Presented at the Visual Communication Conference in Sandpoint, ID, June 18-22.

Mullen, L.J. (2003). Visual education and the internet camp: A study of underprivileged children and their web pages. Presented at the International Communication Association convention in San Diego, CA, May 23-27.

Mullen, L.J. (2003). Fear and loathing in Las Vegas: A study of the relationship between media use and anomie in America's fastest growing town. Presented at the International Communication Association convention in San Diego, CA, May 23-27.

Larson, G.W., & Mullen, L.J. (2003). Letters to America: Dialectical epistolarity in post-9/11 advertising. Presented at the International Communication Association convention in San Diego, CA, May 23-27.

Mullen, L.J. (2003). Communication and community in Las Vegas: Interviews with political leaders past & present. Presented at the Eastern Communication Association Conference in Washington, DC, April 24-27.

Mazzocco, D.W., & Mullen, L.J. (2002). Capitalizing on Corporate Values: Unpacking the Pictorial Syntax of the Super Bowl from 1969-1997. Presented at the International Communication Association Annual Conference, July 15-19, Seoul, Korea.

Mullen, L.J., & Goodnow, T. (2001). Interrupted journey: Roadside memorials and their meanings. Presented at the Visual Communication Conference, Yamhill, OR, June 20-24.

Mullen, L.J., & Bauman, J. (2001). A Visual Analysis of Prescription Drug Advertising Imagery: Application of Foss's Rhetorical Technique. Presented at the International Communication Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC, May 24-28, 2001.

Mullen, L.J. (2000). The changing of visual perceptions with the utilization of digital technologies: A case study of sports broadcasting. Presented at the Broadcast Education Association Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, NV, April, 2000.

Mullen, L.J. (1999). Large screen television in public: Jumbotrons in Las Vegas. Presented at the Visual Communication Conference, Lake Tahoe, CA, June 23-27, 1999.

Mullen, L.J., & Mazzocco, D.W. (1999). Coaches, drama, and technology: Mediation of Super Bowl broadcasts from 1969 to 1997. Presented at the International Communication Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 27-31, 1999.

Mullen, L.J., (1998). Presidential performance as a visual construct: The case of John F. Kennedy. Presented at the Public Address Conference at The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, September 24-27, 1998

Mullen, L.J., (1998). Media uses and attachment to the place where you live: An analysis of a sub-community and the larger, local community. Presented at the 1998 National Communication Association Annual Conference, November 21-24, New York City.

Mullen, L.J. (1998). Urban aesthetic: The meaning of a city's skyline. Presented at the International Communication Association's 48th Annual Conference, Jerusalem, Israel, July 20-24.

Mullen, L.J. (1998). African American portrayals in comic books. Presented at the Visual Communication Conference in Winter Park, CO, June 24-28.

Mazzocco, D.W., & Mullen, L.J. (1998). Exploiting conflict on Super Bowl Sunday: An assessment of corporate influence and mediation in sports television representations between 1987 and 1997. Presented at the Pre-Super Bowl Scientific Congress, January 18-20, in San Diego, CA.

Mullen, L.J. (1997). The use of university-based & local media: Models of community attachment involving two communities. Presented at the National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, IL, November, 1997.

Mullen, L.J. (1997). The African American as characterized in alternative media. Presented at the National Communication Association Convention, Chicago, IL, November, 1997.

Mullen, L.J. (1997). Close-ups in sit-coms: A historical perspective. Presented at the Annual Visual Communication Conference, Jackson Hole, WY, June, 1997.

Mullen, L.J, Basi, K., Erickson, K., Higdon, M., & Thill, H. (1996). Television and political contentiousness: Stories with images of Bill Clinton on ABC, CBS, and NBC Network News. Competitively selected for presentation at the Speech Communication Association's Annual Meeting, November 23-26, San Diego, CA.

Mullen, L.J. (1996). The visual paper: A teaching tool for visual communication courses. Presented at the 10th annual Visual Communication Conference, June 20-23, Alta, UT.

Mullen, L.J. (1996). Photojournalistic perspectives of U.S. presidents from Truman to Nixon. Presented at the International Communication Association Annual Conference, May 23-27, Chicago, IL.

Mullen, L.J. (1995). Visual images of presidential performance: Comparing John F. Kennedy to four presidents. Presented at the Speech Communication Association Annual Convention in San Antonio, TX, November, 1995.

Mullen, L.J. (1995). Comic book aesthetic: A look at the artistic style of today's alternative media. Presented at the Speech Communication Association Annual Convention in San Antonio, TX, November, 1995.

Mullen, L.J. (1995). Framing the president: An analysis of Bill Clinton's visual image as depicted on nationally televised newscasts. Presented at the 9th Annual Visual Communication Conference in Flagstaff, AZ, June 22-25, 1995.

Pfau, M., Mullen, L.J., Diedrich, T., & Garrow, K., (1995). The influence of television viewing on public perceptions of physicians; competitive paper accepted for presentation at the 1995 International Communication Association Annual Convention in Albuquerque, NM.

DeLaurell, R., & Mullen, L.J. (1995). The concept of audience in radio and audio production textbooks. Presented at the Texas Association of Broadcast Educators, Austin, TX, February.

Mullen, L.J., (1994). Photographic perspectives of U.S. presidents from Truman to Nixon. Currently in press. Previously presented at Convention.

Pfau, M., Mullen, L.J., Diedrich, T., & Garrow, K., (1994). Television viewing and public perceptions of attorneys; competitive paper accepted for presentation at the 1994 Speech Communication Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Mullen, L.J., (1994). Cartoons and photographs of Bill Clinton's first 100 days. A panel proposal paper presented at the 1994 Speech Communication Association Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Mullen, L.J. (1993). The president's picture: News magazine photographs of his personality and performance from 1945 to 1974. Presented at the 1993 Speech Communication Association Annual Convention, Miami, FL, November 18-21.

Mullen, L.J. (1993). The skyline: Signature of the city. Presented at the 1993 Speech Communication Association Annual Convention, Miami, FL, November.

Mullen, L.J. (1993). Structural and contextual changes in the president's visual image: An exploratory analysis of news magazine photographs from 1945 to 1974. Presented at the 1993 International Communication Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., May.

Mullen, L.J. (1992). Changes in the president's image: Photographic portrayals from 1945 to 1974. Presented at the 1992 Midwest Association of Public Opinion Research Annual Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 20-21.

Mullen, L.J. (1991). Media use and political attitudes: The effects of attention and exposure on perceptions of the 1988 presidential election. Presented at the 1991 Midwest Association of Public Opinion Research Annual Convention in Chicago, Illinois, November 22-23.

Becker, S.L. and Mullen, L.J. (1991). Communication, political knowledge, and perception. Presented at the 1991 Speech Communication Association Annual Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, October 30-November 3.

Mullen, L.J. (1991). Presidential campaign imagery: Selling candidates through news magazine images. Presented at the 1991 Iowa Communication Association Annual Convention in Coralville, Iowa, September 20-21.

Mullen, L.J. (1991). A new image for an old enemy: How the evening news depicted the U.S.'s changing foreign policy with Vietnam. Presented at the Central States Communication Association Annual Convention in Chicago, Illinois, April 11.

Mullen, L.J. (1990). Campaign imagery: How are presidential campaigns depicted by The New York Times? Presented at the Midwest Association of Public Opinion Research Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, November 16.

Rothenbuhler, E.W., Ryu, C.R., DeLaurell, R., and Mullen, L.J. (1990). Communication and community attachment and involvement. Presented at the Speech Communication Association Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, November 1.

Mullen, L.J. (1990). Community and spectatorship: Watching those watching sports. Presented at the Central States Communication Association Annual Conference in Detroit, Michigan, April 7.

Mullen, L.J. (1989). Media use, issue ignorance, image neutrality, and intention to participate in the Iowa caucuses. Presented at the Midwest Association of Public Opinion Research Annual Meeting in Chicago, Illinois, November 18.

DeLaurell, R., Mullen, L., and Ryu, C. (1989). The role of local mass media use in predicting community attachment. Presented at the Iowa Communication Association Convention in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, September 22.

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Communication & Community in Las Vegas: A book manuscript that looks at the relationship between communication and the sense of community in America's fastest growing town. How is community constructed through the patterns of communication in a growing urban environment? This study uses focused interviews as its methodology.

Las Vegas Signs: This program of research is in its nascent stages. It will attempt to document the sign culture that is evident in this desert valley-from ancient petroglyphs and pictograms to today's neon and LED jumbotrons.

Other projects about Joe Aceti and Sister Bede Sullivan take a biographical look at two of the pioneers in the area of visual communication and visual literacy.



Member, University Multidisciplinary Studies Committee, 2004-present.

Member, Academic Advisory Committee for Lied Library, Special Collections, Oral History Project.

Member, Creative College Teaching Journal Editorial Board, April, 2003-present. (Note: This journal is based on the campus of UNLV, but is nationally distributed).

Member, Program Review Committee, elected to this position by college-wide vote, October, 2002-present.

Chair, Search Committee, Program Director for KUNV, the community radio station at UNLV.

Member, Graduate Program Evaluation Committee, July 2000-present.

Member, Graduate Council, July 2000-present.

Marshal, 2000 & 1998 UNLV Commencement Ceremonies.

Member, Advisory Board for KUNV Radio Station at UNLV, August, 1999-August, 2002.

Presenter for "interChanges," a program that focuses on partnerships for families and children at UNLV. Program title: Problems and Partnerships: Collaborative Research and Service Projects for Families and Children, Las Vegas, NV, April 21, 1999.

Advisor, University Student Swing Club, 1998-present.

Mentor, Mentoring Program at The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1998-1999, 1994-1995. Counselor for multicultural freshmen and newly admitted transfer students.

Member, Curriculum Review Committee for the Greenspun College of Urban Affairs, 1997-2000.

Member, Search Committee for The Hank Greenspun School of Communication Executive Director, September, 1997-1998.

Member, UNLV Library Committee, April, 1995-present.

Member, University Program Review Committee at The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, September, 1994 to 1996. Serving to review university department programs and advise Provost.

Member, Sabbatical Leave Committee at The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1994-1995. Served as a one-year proxy member of this committee.


Member, Graduate Studies Committee, September, 2002-present.

Member, Curriculum Committee, September 1998-2001.


Personnel Committee Member, 2002-present.

Coordinator and co-programmer for the "Research & Ideas Conference," a department conference for graduate and undergraduate students to present current research projects, Saturday, March 3, 2001.

Graduate Studies Coordinator, Hank Greenspun School of Communication, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, July 2000-present.

Chair, Graduate Studies Committee, Hank Greenspun School of Communication, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, July 2000-present.

Member, Grants Committee, Hank Greenspun School of Communication, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, January 2000-2001.

Member, Curriculum Committee, Hank Greenspun School of Communication, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1995-present.

Member, Search Committee for an Assistant Professor of Broadcasting position in the Hank Greenspun School of Communication, Fall 1999-Spring 2000.

Chair, Search Committee for a new media technology position in the Hank Greenspun School of Communication, UNLV, 1998-99.

Interim Graduate Coordinator, Hank Greenspun School of Communication, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Fall, 1998.

Chair, Ad Hoc Professional Accreditation Committee for the Hank Greenspun School of Communication, 1998-2000.

Chair, Curriculum Review Committee for the Hank Greenspun School of Communication, 1997-1998.

Webmaster for the Hank Greenspun School of Communication, 1996-1999. In charge of organizing the school's world wide web information.

Member, Search Committee for Telecommunications area faculty position, Spring, 1996.


Reviewer, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 1998-present.

Reviewer, The electronic journal of communication/La revue electronique de communication, 2001.

Secretary, Visual Communication Commission, International Communication Association, 2000-2002.

Publications and Newsletter, Mass Communication Division, National Communication Association, 2000.

Program organizer for the 14th Annual Visual Communication Conference. July 5-9, 2000, Pray, MT.

Reviewer/Textbook Development Consultant, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999.

Respondent, Mass Communication Division, National Communication Association, Annual Convention, Competitive papers in research on viewers' responses to news stories, November 4-7, 1999, Chicago.

Judge, Nature Division, The Silver State Documentary Festival, 1999.

Consultant/Textbook Book Reviewer, Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1999.

Panel Respondent Visual Communication Interest Group, International Communication Association Annual Convention, May 27-31, 1999, San Francisco.

Panel Moderator and Respondent, Broadcast Education Association Annual Meeting. Panel Entitled: "The Gap Between Production Skills and Critical Thinking: Competence of Electronic Media Major Students by Exposing them to Independent Films and Videos," Las Vegas, NV, April 18, 1999.

Paper Reviewer for the Mass Communication Division of the National Communication Association for the 1999 conference in Chicago.

Associate Editor, Western Journal of Communication, 1998-2001.

Panel Respondent Mass Communication Division, National Communication Association Annual Convention, November 21-24, 1998, New York City.

Paper Reviewer for the Mass Communication Division of the National Communication Association for the 1998 conference in New York City.

Paper reviewer for the International Communication Association's Political Communication Division and the Visual Communication Interest Group for the 1998 conference in Jerusalem, Israel.

Nominations Committee member for the National Communication Association's Mass Communication Division, elected November, 1997.

Chair, National Communication Association panel, "Comic Book Representations and Alternative Life Styles," for the 1997 convention in Chicago.

Paper reviewer for the National Communication Association's Mass Communication division and Political Communication division for the 1997 conference in Chicago.

Editorial Assistant for the Mass Communication Division of National Communication Association newsletter, 1996-1997. Responsible for the "Spotlight On . . . " article, a biographical essay on division members.

Judge, Nature Division, The Silver State Documentary Festival, 1997-98.

Chair, International Communication Association Panel, "Construction and Deconstruction of Political Discourses," for the 1996 Annual Convention, May, 1996.

Editorial Board, Journal of Health Psychology, Vol. 1, No. 3. Publication date: October, 1996.

Paper Reviewer for the International Communication Association's 1996 Convention in Chicago. Visual Communication Interest Group.

Paper Reviewer for the International Communication Association's 1996 Convention in Chicago. Political Communication Division.

Judge, Biography Division, The Silver State Documentary Festival, 1995-96.

Consultant/Book Reviewer, Textbook Prospectus, HoughtonMifflin Company, 1995.

Member, Search Committee for the Assistant to the Cable Manager position for UNLV-TV, PrimeCable channel 4, Las Vegas, NV, June-July, 1995.

Lecture organizer for the Greenspun School of Communication and the Conference on Rhetorical History, March, 1995. Organized the presentation by guest lecturer, Bruce Gronbeck, on "Ad Hominem Attacks in Presidential Campaigning."

Chair, Speech Communication Association Panel, "Comics, Cartoons, and Politics," 1994 Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.

Outside Reviewer, Promotion and Tenure

Virginia Commonwealth University, March 2000.


Judge and Consultant for the 2002 Miss Chinatown Las Vegas Pageant, September-November, 2002.

Judge, Greenspun Middle School Photojournalism Competition, 1997.

Volunteer for Aid for AIDS of Nevada, 7th Annual AIDS Walk, 1997.


Faculty Search Committee, 1993. Helped make decisions to hire an integral member of the communication department at Augustana College.

Undergraduate Advisor, 1992-1994. Coordinate and direct student programs from first year to graduation.

Advisory Board, 1992-1994, for KAUR, the student-run FM music station at Augustana College.

Tutor, Athletic Department, The University of Iowa, 1989-1992.

Faculty Search Committee, 1989. Served as one of the graduate student representatives to recruit and hire a tenure-track assistant professor of media studies at The University of Iowa, Communication Studies Department.

Graduate Student Advisory Committee, 1989. Coordinated departmental newsletters, informational services, and activities for graduate students in the Communication Studies Department at The University of Iowa.

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Awarded $900.00 from the University Travel Committee to attend NCA Conference in Miami Beach, FL, 2003.

Sabbatical Leave for Communication and Community in Las Vegas, Fall 2001, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Honorary Member of Lambda Pi Eta, the Communication National Honor Society, 2001.

UNLV Internet Camp for Kids, funded by the Editorial Board of Las Vegas Sun. This project teaches "at risk" children how to use the Internet to create their own website and give them a voice on this new medium. Funding was based on the quality of the proposal and the community impact the project will have. The total amount was for $18,905.00. It was funded for a summer, 1999, two-week program.

University Faculty Travel Grant, November, 1998. Awarded $500.00 from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for the 1998 National Communication Association Convention.

Included in Marqui's Who's Who in the West, (27th Edition), 2000-2001.

University Faculty Travel Grant, April, 1998. Awarded $650.00 from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for the 1998 Visual Communication Convention.

University Faculty Travel Grant, February, 1998. Awarded $800.00 from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for the 1998 International Communication Convention.

Nevada Regents Outstanding Faculty Award, 1997.

Recipient, President's Initiative Grant, 1997, $8,960, for a study of UNLV's public image and the media's influence on that image.

Outstanding Faculty Research Award, 1996, The Greenspun School of Communication.

Recipient, University Research Grants and Fellowships Committee Bonus Award, $1000, for a grant proposal entitled, "Campaigns and Conflict: An Analysis of Television Information and Political Contention in the 1996 Presidential Election."

University Faculty Travel Grant, October, 1996. Awarded $650.00 from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas for the 1996 Speech Communication Convention.

Greenspun School of Communication Computer Grant, 1995. Awarded $3500 for computer equipment to implement a CD-ROM archive of presidential pictorial images.

University Faculty Travel Grant, October, 1995. Award for $550.00 from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

Research Grant was award through the Greenspun School of Communication for summer, 1995 project, $1000.00.

Graduate Student Financial Support, Spring Semester, 1995. Obtained $700.00 to support a graduate research assistant from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Graduate School.

Faculty Development Grant, 1995. A Barrick Faculty Development grant was obtained for $400.00 for travel.

Faculty Development Grant, 1994. A Barrick Faculty Development grant was obtained for $700.00 for travel.


International Communication Association

National Communication Association

Broadcast Education Association

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